Chanakya Niti Book PDF in Hindi & English Free

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Chanakya Niti Book PDF

Book Details

Book TitleChanakya Niti
LanguageEnglish & Hindi
GenresPhilosophy, Self-Help, Nonfiction
PublisherDiamond Books
Total Page379 Pages

About Book

Chanakya Niti Book PDF

Chanakya Niti Book PDF in Hindi & English, This book is based on Chanakya, an Indian philosopher, teacher, theorist, economist, and a dignified mentor to the Mauryan emperors between 350 BC to 275 BC. The book illustrates Chanakya’s principles and concepts in various situations, which are relevant even to today’s spans. People follow his statements to escape from the trap of several evils to lead a happy, peaceful, and comfortable life.

Chanakya was also known as Vishnu Gupta or Kautilya. He was a prominent lecturer at the ancient Taxila University and an economics and political science expert. Besides teaching, he also advised the Mauryan kings, Chandragupta Maurya and his son Bindusara Maurya.

Chanakya played an essential role in the establishment and development of the Mauryan Empire. The author tells about Indian politics and ancient thesis economics in this book. The book focuses on explaining the complex principles of Chanakya.

Chanakya is regarded as the pioneer of the field of Economics and Political science in India, and his work is thought of as an essential precursor to classical economics. All works were lost near the end of the Gupta Empire in the 16th century CE and were not rediscovered until the early 20th century.

This book includes the Chanakya Neeti Sutras in Sanskrit, which are in concise form but are identical and remarkable. Their Sanskrit translation is done in English and a bit is described in laymen’s phrases too.

Chanakya Niti PDF is a book of ancient Indian political advice and counsel written by Chanakya, also known as Kautilya. The book is a collection of aphorisms and maxims that cover a wide range of topics, including leadership, governance, diplomacy, and social behaviour. Many people read Chanakya Niti to gain insights into ancient Indian political thought and to learn about the principles of effective leadership and governance.

The book is also widely read for its practical advice on how to navigate the complexities of life and achieve success. Some people may also be interested in reading the book to learn more about the cultural and historical context in which it was written.

Here are five reasons why someone might want to read the book The Chanakya Niti Book PDF:

  1. To gain insights into ancient Indian political thought and the principles of effective leadership and governance.
  2. To learn about the cultural and historical context in which the book was written.
  3. To gain practical advice on how to navigate the complexities of life and achieve success.
  4. To improve understanding of leadership, governance, diplomacy, and social behaviour.
  5. To learn about the teachings of Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, who is considered one of the most influential political strategists in Indian history.
  6. To learn about the role of ethics and morality in leadership and governance.
  7. To gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between individuals, society, and the state.
  8. To gain a historical perspective on how political power has been wielded and exercised in different cultures and societies.
  9. To learn about the role of education and knowledge in personal and professional development.
  10. To learn about the importance of self-discipline, self-control, and personal responsibility in achieving success.

About the Author

BK Chaturvedi is the author of this book, he is an Indian civil servant and also a retired Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India. He belonged to the 1966 IAS batch and was also awarded the Padma Bhushan award in 2010 for his participation in the field of civil services.

Chanakya Niti Book PDF in Hindi & English Free Download

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Chanakya Niti PDF in Hindi

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Chanakya Niti PDF in English

Here is the download link for Chanakya PDF in English

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