Software support agreement

The support services that may be covered by the document include assistance with the use of software and the identification of bugs in software. The template assumes that support is to be provided in relation to a particular software system, rather than software generally. It also assumes that support will be accessed through some form of helpdesk.

If you want software maintenance services covered as well as as software support services, see our these agreements on Website Contracts.

*Get a paid licence for this support agreement on Website Contracts. A paid licence allows you to use the agreement without the credit/attribution text.

Support services by Atlas

Support agreement contents

The key provisions of this template, and some of the questions they try to answer, are highlighted below.

Support services – What standards must the support services meet? Must they be provided in accordance with an SLA? If yes, what are the relevant service levels? Does the service provider have the right to suspend the services in the event of late payment?

Customer obligations – What types of assistance might be required from the customer? Does the service provider need access to the customer’s computer systems?

Charges and payments – What must be paid, when and how? Will there be any time-based charging? Can the service provider increase prices on notice, and if so subject to what limitations?

Warranties – What assurances does the service provider give to the customer in relation to the quality of the support services?

Liability disclaimers – To what extent is the liability of a party limited in the event of a breach of contract by that party?

The template also includes a full set of boilerplate clauses, which cover such matters as force majeure, termination, subcontracting, notices, waivers, variations, entire agreement, law and jurisdiction.

Alternative software support documents

These documents are available for editing online (Docular) and as simple MS Word documents (Website Contracts).

Title Description Get the document on…
Software support agreement (basic) A simple agreement covering software support including updates and upgrades.
Software support agreement (standard) An extended version of the basic agreement, with more optional provisions.
Software support agreement (premium) A very flexible software support agreement, with many optional provisions.
Software licence and support agreement (basic) A simple software licence agreement incorporating support clauses.
Software licence and support agreement (premium) A standard software licence agreement with support provisions.
Software licence and support agreement (standard) A premium software licence and support agreement


Jonny says:

Which document should I use if I am granting temporary access to our website software and code to a prospective company which may come in as a our software provider.

Alasdair Taylor says:

What sort of access are you providing? Eg are you providing access to a control panel, a server, compiled code and/or source code? What is the potential provider permitted to do with that access?

Jonny says:

Hi Alasdair, they will be accessing our server which has all code and databases on there. They are evaluating the standard of it to see whether they can work with us.

Alasdair Taylor says:

At a minimum, you would want a non-disclosure agreement in place. If they are reviewing proprietary source code, you may also want a restrictive source code licence. If they will be processing any personal data, you would need a data processing agreement to comply with data protection law.

Rajesh Bharat says:

May I know, what is the format for the legal agreement that a web developer needs to contract the deal with the client?